When you use the EU regulated open mobility data standards and formats MMTIS (EU) 2017/1926 it is easy to share the pandemic restrictions of your shared mobility services – even as changes in restriction level have shown to be rather frequent as the world is struggling to get back to normal.

As soon as the primary data are updated it ripples out through the open data channels and to all users subscribing to the services.

End users are looking for information on questions like:

Will I be able to get on the next bus or is it too loaded?

What should I consider when booking a train ticket? What is the physical distancing policy in effect for the service? Is use of masks mandated etc.

The open mobility data that are likely to be affected of the pandemic impact on mobility are highlighted in yellow in the Master Plan

Level 1 services in effect since Dec. 2019.

Static Mobility Data:

Trip plan computation data. Information on how to navigate safely through stations and other stop places and how to get help for safe transfer – all maintaining physical distancing.

Accessibility of access nodes can include how to maintain social/physical distancing in lifts and elevators.


Dynamic mobility data:

Disruptions. Restrictions of service, replanned service or cancellations enforced by actual pandemic situation.

Real time information: Current passenger load in vehicles is now an important part of travel planning as restrictions on load capacity may result in denial of entering planned mode of transport.

Status of access node features: A station may have restrictions on how many people may be in the station and on platforms. Dynamic updates of capacity can guide passengers in their travel planning and options for re-planning etc.


MMTIS Level 2 services due for opening Dec 2020:

Static Mobility Data

Information services should include any information sent through digital channels and posted on how to purchase transportation services including restrictions imposed by the pandemic conditions. For example use of cash for payment may not be possible.

Vehicle facilities can be enhanced with pandemic restrictions such as physical distancing, mandatory pre-booked seat/access tickets, protecting drivers and other essential staff, cleaning information etc.

Also information on passenger requirements to wear mask, and other measures to avoid spread of the virus in vehicles should be shared.

Dynamic Mobility Data:

Dynamic data on passing time, trip plans and auxiliary information is a way of communicating the changes that are enforced by the authorities to control this and future pandemics.


The rather unknown path back to normal operation of public transport and other shared mobility services.

As it looks now it seems like the return to normal freedom of mobility will be through many baby steps – each with a revised set of restrictions and obligations we need to follow to deny that the virus rides along as stowaway.

When we again can travel national and international easy available information on local restrictions and obligations is essential to a safe travel and avoid being a receiver/transmitter of the virus.

Look forward to using shared mobility services as before and regain my  freedom of mobility.