by SOS | Oct 24, 2017 | MaaS Blog, MaaS-DK
This year the Intelligent Transport Conference includes a full MaaS track. More about the conference and program here. Some of the questions in the MaaS sessions include: How do you win the consumer over to trust MaaS? What are the key technologies for MaaS to succeed...
by SOS | Oct 4, 2017 | MaaS-DK
Glæder mig til at deltage på årets Kollektiv Trafik konference i Korsør. Se mere her. Hvorfor tales der så meget om MaaS (mobilitet som en service) lige nu? Hvordan kan offentlige og private udbydere af delemobilitet samvirke for at skabe et attraktivt alternativ til...
by SOS | Oct 3, 2017 | MaaS Blog, MaaS-DK
Takeaways from the 2nd Annual Conference: MaaS and Openness in London Sep 26, organized by Travelspirit. Why is MaaS dependent on open data? Is your city ready for MaaS? Two major questions for the day. The Spirit of TravelSpirit The core of TravelSpirit presented...