by SOS | May 8, 2020 | MaaS Blog, MaaS-DK, Uncategorised
What is included in level 2 of the EU regulation for Multimodal Travel Information Services? This I prepared a technical paper about. The original plan was to present it at the ITS Lisbon conference here in May, however for obvious reasons this is not going to happen....
by SOS | Apr 24, 2020 | Blog, MaaS Blog, Uncategorised
When you use the EU regulated open mobility data standards and formats MMTIS (EU) 2017/1926 it is easy to share the pandemic restrictions of your shared mobility services – even as changes in restriction level have shown to be rather frequent as the world is...
by SOS | Mar 15, 2019 | Blog, MaaS Blog, MaaS-DK, Uncategorised
Returning again to MaaS-Market in London to contribute and get an update on what has changed the last year and what to expect. Critical mass for MaaS is still in the future. If MaaS is a way to get a substantial change of daily mobility from use of own cars to used of...
by SOS | Jan 4, 2019 | Uncategorised
Have you booked transport, hotel and conference yet? See you at the Transport Ticketing Global Conference January 29-30 at Old Billingsgate, 1 Old Billingsgate Walk, London. What is going to be the talk of the show? Why is it still complicated to pay for public...
by SOS | Aug 3, 2018 | Uncategorised
#ITSWC18 Looking forward to contribute to creating critical mass for MaaS on the upcoming ITS World Congress in my home city – Copenhagen. I am contributing in three sessions all related to MaaS. Join me for discussion on how to further the concept of MaaS to...
by SOS | Jun 14, 2018 | Uncategorised
Transportministeren barsler snart med et udspil om at fremme innovative og digitale løsninger, der både giver forbrugerne bedre service og en bredere vifte af transportmuligheder....