by SOS | Jan 4, 2019 | Uncategorised
Have you booked transport, hotel and conference yet? See you at the Transport Ticketing Global Conference January 29-30 at Old Billingsgate, 1 Old Billingsgate Walk, London. What is going to be the talk of the show? Why is it still complicated to pay for public...
by SOS | Aug 3, 2018 | Uncategorised
#ITSWC18 Looking forward to contribute to creating critical mass for MaaS on the upcoming ITS World Congress in my home city – Copenhagen. I am contributing in three sessions all related to MaaS. Join me for discussion on how to further the concept of MaaS to...
by SOS | Jun 14, 2018 | Uncategorised
Transportministeren barsler snart med et udspil om at fremme innovative og digitale løsninger, der både giver forbrugerne bedre service og en bredere vifte af transportmuligheder....
by SOS | May 11, 2018 | MaaS Blog, MaaS-DK
Fluidtime, an Austrian IT-service provider in the fields of integrated mobility and mobility-as-a-service (MaaS), once again invites to a symposium in Vienna under the headline: MaaS meets City – When seamless travel becomes reality. The Symposium takes place...
by SOS | May 2, 2018 | Blog, MaaS Blog, MaaS-DK
The Smart Ticketing & Digital Services forum is organized by Calypso Network Association. This year I have the honor of chairing the session: Evolutions in Mobility Services – New players, new role models and new challenges within the sector with MaaS becoming...
by SOS | Jan 16, 2018 | MaaS-DK, Uncategorised
I Fagbladet Trafik & Veje, Januar 2018 skriver jeg om den nye finske transportlov som blandt andet introducerer MaaS og hvad vi kan lære af det. Her er hovedpunkterne. Læs hele artiklen her MaaS som lov i Finland Trafik & Veje 2018-1 Med de teknologier, der...
by SOS | Nov 9, 2017 | MaaS Blog, MaaS-DK
This year the conference introduced a well-attended MaaS track. The Elements of a MaaS ECO System Source: Søren Sørensen SFMCON For decades the public transport industry has come to conferences like this to seek the holy gral for how multimodal ticketing should...
by SOS | Oct 24, 2017 | MaaS Blog, MaaS-DK
This year the Intelligent Transport Conference includes a full MaaS track. More about the conference and program here. Some of the questions in the MaaS sessions include: How do you win the consumer over to trust MaaS? What are the key technologies for MaaS to succeed...
by SOS | Oct 4, 2017 | MaaS-DK
Glæder mig til at deltage på årets Kollektiv Trafik konference i Korsør. Se mere her. Hvorfor tales der så meget om MaaS (mobilitet som en service) lige nu? Hvordan kan offentlige og private udbydere af delemobilitet samvirke for at skabe et attraktivt alternativ til...
by SOS | Oct 3, 2017 | MaaS Blog, MaaS-DK
Takeaways from the 2nd Annual Conference: MaaS and Openness in London Sep 26, organized by Travelspirit. Why is MaaS dependent on open data? Is your city ready for MaaS? Two major questions for the day. The Spirit of TravelSpirit The core of TravelSpirit presented...